Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thank You Card Wording For Wedding Attendants How Would You Word This Thank You Card For A Wedding Gift Thank You?

How would you word this thank you card for a wedding gift thank you? - thank you card wording for wedding attendants

Aunt of my husband and my uncle came to our wedding and I do not think they gave us a gift and a card. We need people like this group that offend both traveled a lot and I think that's more than enough a gift, but I want anybody else when it disappeared a gift that may or may not present. I thank them because I know I made time for us, but I do not know how to react to the word it.Please fast as I'm not sure what is the right time, and I thankyou hand of every specific and do not fall into the category of bad manners.


Diane (PFLAG) said...

Thank you for adding to the joy of our special day with your presence .. This is the greatest of all gifts received ..

Send the correct amount of time to thank you .... You need an e-mail no later than 3 months after arriving home from his honeymoon to have ...

My husband and I had a similar problem with the wedding ... Uncle and aunt attended the wedding and the confusion of things with your check card over $ 500.00 fastened my mother tucked under 750 pounds. Buffet (a box decorated with large wooden) We ship all thanked me and thanked them for their help, asking nearly 2 months after his aunt called to explain why he did not deposit the checks .. I've never had a phone or card verification was glad to know that they can participate ... He hastened to send a letter and check said: "It prolly was present in the crowd lost" 10 years ago .. Last year my mother a new carpet (the transition from the buffet for the first time in nearly 18 years) and had found the original map andAudit (unopened) ... We laughed at him as the uncle of my husband ... The aunt said, "Have I told you to turn the time" LOL

~ Inny & Coors ~ said...

Thank you for inclusion in
the joyful spirit of our wedding
their presence.

kateqd30 said...

Dear uncle and aunt,

John and I could not be happier that the two were able to travel to get to the wedding, your presence every day more special. We can not thank you enough for everything you have given us, we are truly blessed to have both in our lives.

With love, John and Mary

How are you?

Scottish... said...

Hello, on behalf of my husband and I want to thank your car for participation in our marriage that we are so happy to share a beautiful day with us, everyone had a great time, we have some great gifts that we were very grateful, thank you again.


Mr and Mrs ............

I hope this has helped you, good luck ......

T Time said...

This can not but two U.S. dollars for a card, and you are worried rude?

doyoubel... said...

Thank you for it on our special day

doyoubel... said...

Thank you for it on our special day

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