Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wedding Anniversary Present Ideas 25th Wedding Anniversary Present Ideas For Mum And Dad? Have Already Made Them Scrapbook With Photos Etc?

25th wedding anniversary present ideas for mum and dad? have already made them scrapbook with photos etc? - wedding anniversary present ideas

This is the 25th Anniversary of the money? How about a nice silver frame with a photo of their wedding photos on this world?


confused said...

How about a trip to the theater?

one night in an elegant

Day at the Races

A Family Reunion "eat the people to invite" a surprise, but I tell them they have to pay for himself because his surprise, his mother and father have to pay the ...

confused said...

How about a trip to the theater?

one night in an elegant

Day at the Races

A Family Reunion "eat the people to invite" a surprise, but I tell them they have to pay for himself because his surprise, his mother and father have to pay the ...

DeathBut... said...

A little bit of money, but depends on what your budget. First, a nice group of flowers, money can be pink. Secondly, a bottle of something white, again, depends on the budget. Finally, something for all parents what they want to look for his father, bracelet / necklace / earrings for Mom. Perhaps Swarovski Crystal Worlds, the new budget. I hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

First, I think it's great that your parents have done for twenty years. If you have access to all files you have scanned in a DVD and music of Nice in the background. During the birthday celebration, you can play DVDs and recount their memories with all there friends. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

First, I think it's great that your parents have done for twenty years. If you have access to all files you have scanned in a DVD and music of Nice in the background. During the birthday celebration, you can play DVDs and recount their memories with all there friends. Good luck.

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